The histology and cytology lab is equipped to prepare tissue for microscopic analysis. Animal and human hard tissues (bone, ligament, cartilage, tendon) are processed routinely. Contract work on orthopaedic, neurologic, and selected forensic samples is frequently carried out. Here is a partial listing of the equipment available in this lab:
1. Tissue-Tek VIP Tissue Processor
- Stores up to 10 processing programs
- Memory capabilities include: station time periods, chamber temperature, vacuum/pressure needs and delay operations
- All decalcified tissues are processed through 14 stations from formalin to final paraffin infiltration
- Tissue Embedding Console System is attached, providing efficient embedding of tissue specimens in paraffin; contains Dispensing, Thermal, and Cryo Consoles
2. ISOMET Low-Speed Bone Saw
- Cuts un-decalcified bone, some having biomaterial implants within
- Designed to perform high-precision, low-deformation materials sectioning
- Samples are held in suitable chuck and introduced through gravity of a known weight to a rotating diamond wafering blade
3. Vibratome Semi-automatic Sectioning System
- Cuts flesh or fixed specimens without embedding or freezing by means of a vibrating blade
- Amplitude of vibration, speed of blade advance, and section thickness are operation selectable
- Used for tissue; ganglia, spinal cord, preservation of enzymatic activity, etc.