MSUCOR resides at Fee Hall at Michigan State University. The Center specializes in the application of systems science to study motor control, spinal biomechanics, and musculoskeletal disorders that was supported with a $4.5 million U19 co-operative grant from the NCCIH titled, “Systems Science Center for Musculoskeletal CAM Therapies” (U19AT006057).
The MSUCOR facilities consist of space allocated exclusively for biomechanics and model-based research. There are two large biomechanics labs: Lab 1 for in-vivo biomechanical testing (1,152 square feet) and Lab 2 for in-vitro spine testing (864 square feet), a computer lab, staff offices (with additional space for residents and visiting scholars), and a conference room.
The MSUCOR is well-equipped for in-vivo human experiments as well as anatomical preparation of specimens and in-vitro biomechanical testing. The equipment consists of commercial and custom-built devices for assessing various parameters of motor control (head/neck and trunk) and in-vitro testing. Equipment specific to evaluating motor control include: two EMG systems (custom-made and Delsys), motion capture system (Phoenix), 6-DOF force plate (Kiestler), devices for position and force-tracking, and seated balance performance. Specific to in-vitro testing, MSUCOR has two hexapod parallel robotic devices, a custom-built materials testing system, 6-DOF load cells (AMTI), video fluoroscopy (mini-C-arm), microscope with HD camera, and histology materials. Several PC and Apple computers, equipped with data acquisition hardware and data analysis and statistical software, are available. MSUCOR also has machine and electronics shops.
The OBL is located on the fourth floor of East Fee Hall at Michigan State University. Dr. Feng Wei is the Co-Director of the OBL. The OBL is a unique research facility uniting the work of engineers, clinicians, and biologists dedicated to applied basic science research of the musculoskeletal system for humans and animals. The primary focus of the research laboratories is to understand mechanisms of osteoarthritis and investigate methods of diagnosis, intervention, and prevention of this disease. In these investigations, the OBL utilizes in vivo animal models, human cadavers, and mathematical models to study blunt joint trauma. The OBL also conducts experiments on athletic and workplace footwear in cooperation with various manufacturers. These studies specifically examine the durability, comfortability, and the ability of footwear to help protect the body from injury.
Through experimentation involving biomechanical tests, histological analyses, biochemical assays, and mathematical model analyses, the OBL seeks to answer the many questions that evolve when studying various musculoskeletal diseases and related problems. OBL resources and capability are listed below:
Motion Capture Laboratory: The PI is assigned a 1,600 square foot laboratory dedicated to motion capture data collection. These laboratory facilities were specifically designed and equipped for capturing motion, movement and balance of patients and research participants utilizing the Vicon system. The lab is located in the lower level of the PI's building. Included in the lab are a treatment room, conference room for consenting patients, and a dedicated changing room. Patient parking is readily available outside the building.
The OMM and Biomechanics Lab is fitted with the foremost motion capture technology. Currently, there are 12 Vicon cameras: four Vantage V5, six Vero V2.2, and two Vue cameras capable of up to 240 frames per second, allowing near real-time capture of subjects. The Nexus data capture software has automated features, intelligent processing along with a host of other features developed specifically for Life Sciences.
Along with the Vicon system, the lab is outfitted with an AMTI Force-Sensing Tandem Treadmill with embedded force plates. This tandem belt treadmill allows subjects to maintain a normal gait and has capabilities to mimic walking and running in uphill and downhill conditions.
Nexus software is also designed to have a native input to MatLab, a “desktop environment for analysis and design with programming that expresses matrix and array mathematics directly.” Researchers can build MATLAB processing scripts and see immediate results. Using MATLAB, we can create input for OpenSim, a state-of-the-art modeling software that allows us to create muscle models for each subject’s data.
Clinical: MSU's Department of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine (OMM) clinic is the largest of its kind (OMM exclusively) in the U.S., with 12 Board Certified Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine faculty and 27,000 patient visits per year. On average, 50% of these patients suffer from chronic lower back pain. In addition, the campus has 50,000 patients available for recruitment.
The Mikrolar rotopod is a highly accurate (~50 micrometer accuracy) robotic platform that assesses accuracy and speed of spinal control. With a person seated on the rotopod, low frequency disturbances are applied and the person's ability to reject these disturbances is evaluated. People with fast and accurate spine control can reject more disturbances, particularly at higher frequencies.
This video provides two demonstrations of a quick-release trial. An electromagnetic provides resistance to the cable attached to the participant while a monitor (not seen) displays both the participant's force and a desired force. Before the task begins, the participant is instructed to produce the desired force and then prevent their leg from moving forward when the magnet is released. Once the desired force is reached, the lab personnel releases the magnet without giving advanced notice to the participant.
The custom-built MSUCOR compliant robot allows the operator to adjust postural stability demands by regulating the stiffness of the seat. As the seat stiffness is reduced, it becomes increasingly more difficult to maintain balance. The speed of postural control can be assessed by identifying the critical stiffness at which postural instability occurs. People with fast postural control can maintain balance at a lower seat stiffness.